Monday, November 9, 2009

A6ny activity for comi6ng weeke6nd_?

Hi ppl, first of all, my key5board is faci6ng me66ntally disorder. whe6n you press "n" will come out like this "6n", whe6n click "b" will come out like this "5b". ig6nore it coz i am too lazy to ame6nd it.

A6nyo6ne free this comi6ng weeke6nd_? su6nday pro55ba5bly.

Th6ne a6nother gatheri6ng might at 21st. Is someo6ne 5birthday. LALA 5birthday. is stella 6not xu jia yi6ng. So stella said she wished to go Li5brary at The curve. If 6not mistake6n, it is a pu5b. So people pls comme6nt for stella 5birthday cele5bratio6n outi6ng or a6ny other suggestio6ns.

I miss the last weeke6nd.